Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A: Tell me again how the left empowers women...

B: Why are these anti-2nd Amendment people such violent assholes?
"It's a fucking shame you weren't killed when that scumbag raped you, you fucking despicable, lying, lowlife, Right-Wing, Neo-Fascist CUNT!" That was the message Kimberly Corban found waiting for her on Facebook early last year.

It was sent by a man upset about her gun-rights advocacy. Violent, sexual harassment and threats like the one Corban received are a common experience for many female gun activists.

Speaking of anti-2A assholes, we have the actor and communist Ed Asner and his fellow traveler Ed Weinberger, who claim the US was founded on gun control...
I'll borrow Huffman's response:
They continue with claims that the individual rights conclusion of Heller decision was a completely new interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. They claim it ignored 200 years of precedent and historical context when all nine justices agreed it referred to an individual right. Yes, only five justices agreed that D.C. had infringed upon the right but all nine agreed the 2nd Amendment protected an individual right. Apparently a couple of people who are best known for their work on the television series “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”, a work of fiction, think they know constitutional law and history better than the nine justices on the U.S Supreme Court in 2008.

I know these Hollywood types can develop an exaggerated sense of self importance, but WOW, these guys are operating on a different plane of existence.

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