Saturday, November 04, 2017

Speaking of "WHY are we supposed to trust any of these people?"

Judicial Watch today released Justice Department records showing that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe did not recuse himself from the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unsecure, non-government email server until Tuesday, November 1, 2016, one week prior to the presidential election. The Clinton email probe was codenamed “Midyear Exam.” 
In June 2017, Circa reported that social media photos showed “McCabe wearing a T-shirt supporting his wife’s campaign during a public event and then posting a photo on social media urging voters to join him in voting for his wife.” The Justice Department IG is investigating whether McCabe properly disclosed payments to his wife’s campaign on his ethics report, as well as possible Hatch Act violations.

1 comment:

  1. "...FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe did not recuse himself..."

    Compare that to AG Sessions who'll recuse himself from making a cup of coffee.
