Saturday, November 18, 2017

Shades of Swimmer Kennedy:

"He's a shit, but he votes the way we want, so leave him alone!"
Who didn't see this crap coming?

The proper phrase here is "It's a shame more politicians and lawyers are not hanged."
The cities of Indio and Coachella partnered up with a private law firm, Silver & Wright, to prosecute citizens in criminal court for violations of city ordinances that call for nothing more than small fines—things like having a mess in your yard or selling food without a business license.

Those cited for these violations fix the problems and pay the fines, a typical code enforcement story. The kicker comes a few weeks or months later when citizens get a bill in the mail for thousands of dollars from the law firm that prosecuted them. They are forcing citizens to pay for the private lawyers used to take them to court in the first place. So a fine for a couple of hundred dollars suddenly becomes a bill for $3,000 or $20,000 or even more.

18 of the idiot predictions made by environmentalists*.  Don't worry if you don't read this, you'll hear some variation on every one of them in the news in the future.

*Many of whom are more accurately labeled 'human-hating morons'

1 comment:

  1. Those folks voted them in. They obviously want this. They must all be rich, and living the good life. It's funny really that the populations of those places would put up with it. It must be hitting the poor and other undesirables, because obviously the elitists don't care.
