Sunday, October 29, 2017

This is what so many leftists just don't- or won't- understand:

The right to speak freely is not the same as the right to rob others of their voices.
Problem is, the leftists do believe exactly that.  Which a lot of teachers and professors are finally admitting is a threat, and that they helped create and encourage it.

Good piece by a teacher realizing the monster they helped create is eating them.
Understanding this argument requires an ability to detect and follow nuance, but nuance has largely been dismissed from the debates about speech raging on college campuses. Absolutist postures and the binary reign supreme. You are pro- or anti-, radical or fascist, angel or demon. Even small differences of opinion are seized on and characterized as moral and intellectual failures, unacceptable thought crimes that cancel out anything else you might say.
Berkeley, anyone?  Evergreen?  How many very-expensive universities?

No one should have to pass someone else’s ideological purity test to be allowed to speak. University life — along with civic life — dies without the free exchange of ideas.

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