Monday, October 16, 2017

Slavery, Freedom, and Heinlein books

There are academics and victimhood peddlers who are very much invested not just in keeping the idea of slavery alive forever, but in keeping the descendants of (recent, American) slaves enslaved forever where it counts: in their heads.
Which reminds me of S.M. Stirling's Draka novels: The Draka don't just need, the require slaves(they call them 'serfs') to do most labor, but they also fear them; they're outnumbered hugely, but they've worked long and hard to keep the slaves slaves in their minds so that the idea of revolt is so terrifying that anyone really thinking of it either keeps it to themselves or winds up dead(probably in a horrible way) because the other slaves will inform on them.

And there's the security apparatus designed to spy on and pay informers and arrest and torture to keep the slaves slaves.  Which also is feared because it can also come down on any Draka who develop bad attitudes.

Well, we've got the Security Directorate by other names: Antifa and BLM and the others working hard to destroy anyone who doesn't toe the line of Proper Thought.  And part of that Proper Thought is "You need US to save you from the evil white people, who are guilty of sin because of their skin color.  Also any colored people who don't think the right way, because someone who's black and says 'I don't need you clowns to save me' is part of the enemy."  This Security Directorate NEEDS people to believe they're victims of someone else; because if they don't think they're victims, what do they need Antifa and BLM and others for?

And if enough people start thinking that, the whole victimhood racket dies.  And the left can't have that.


  1. Phssthpok12:45 PM

    "The [Governments] don't just need, they require slaves(they call them 'Taxpayers') to [achieve their goals], but they also fear them; they're outnumbered hugely, but they've worked long and hard to keep the slaves slaves in their minds so that the idea of revolt is so terrifying that anyone really thinking of it either keeps it to themselves or winds up dead(probably in a horrible way) because the other slaves will inform on them.

    And there's the security apparatus designed to spy on and pay informers and arrest and torture to keep the slaves slaves..."

    "...they've worked long and hard to keep the slaves slaves in their minds..."

  2. Yeah, the thought has occurred.
