Monday, October 02, 2017

Not saying anything about the Las Vegas attack as yet

because I know damned little.  Apparently neither does the media, but that's not stopping them, or the Usual Suspects of "Ban the things!" mindset.  Also a bunch of media yelling "No connection to terrorism!", though how they'd know that...

Saw somewhere that the suspect's Bookface page had been taken down, no idea what was on it.  We'll see what comes out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:51 PM

    It still appears that CBS for certain doesn't know anything about firearms either, well their guest this morning anyway. Yep, some sort of expert whoop di do that commented along this line..."it is the clip that enables the fast rate of fire." Seriously people if you are going to open your pie hole at least get a wee semblence of educated first.
