Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Nice when they admit what they really want

It's interesting to see how many on the left are now- openly- calling for dumping the 2nd Amendment, openly calling for the confiscation of all privately-owned firearms, and openly saying that anyone who disagreed with/resisted confiscation should be killed.

Some of them are positively gleeful about the killing part.

Oh, they don't plan to do it themselves, oh no; they plan on .gov minions to do it for them. Because they're all about killing their opponents as long as they don't have to get their own hands dirty.

It's kind of amazing how many of these people follow the Stalin thought of 'have to break eggs to make an omelette'.  And very uncomfortable for those eggs they plan to break.


  1. They of course forget that killing just might work both ways... and there are a LOT more of us.

  2. The intent of the second amendment is that military weapons like machine guns, mortars and field artillery be common enough that any sufficiently large city (and not very large at that) should be able to field a fully equipped infantry battalion.
