Saturday, October 14, 2017

More on 'Higher' Education

A Rutgers University student declared “I don’t need no facts!” while others heckled a black speaker at a panel on identity politics last week.
After American University forced the tour’s first stop off campus, organizers lamented the lost opportunity for dissenting students to engage with diverse viewpoints and ask the panelists challenging questions.
That's bad, but worse is that they don't WANT to ask challenging questions; they want anyone who doesn't toe their line to shut up.  Forever.

Another woman yelled in response to the panelists that she doesn’t “need statistics,” later complaining that "the system" controls facts.
"It’s the system. It’s the institution," she said. "Don’t tell me about facts. I don’t need no facts."
Oh, she does.  Apparently she also failed in English, and could use some remedial classes.

And this can't end without the now-standard attitude:
Protesters approached Foster after the event concluded, and after things grew tense, police feared for his safety and escorted him out of the building.
And the New Red Guard marches on.

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