Saturday, October 28, 2017

Further proof that these people are out of their damned minds

The Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act(also known as the 'Make Sure Democrats Lose The Next Few Elections Act') contains a “zero-emission vehicle mandate” that would amend the Clean Air Act to require 80 percent of vehicle manufacturers’ U.S. sales to be derived from zero-emissions vehicles by 2027. The requirement would increase to 100 percent of sales in the U.S. by 2035. The goal of the legislation is to “justly transition away from fossil fuel sources of energy to 100 percent clean energy by 2035.”

Unsurprisingly, from the supporters in the People's Republic of Maryland,
Maryland state Del. Shane Robinson (D), who spoke at the press conference in support of the bill, told PJM why he would support a ban on the sale of gasoline vehicles in the state of Maryland.

“I think a ban would be useful to push industry more quickly. I believe GM has already talked about moving away from internal combustion engines. We’ve seen action in the UK, in France, in Germany to move as nations away from this, so we can get on that bandwagon to help make this go faster,” he said.
"They're doing it in Europe, so it MUST be good!  We must jump on now!"
Robinson said more charging stations are needed around the nation. State and local governments, he said, must “take some initiative” on the infrastructure that’s needed to support electric cars.

“I mean, everybody I talk to wants an electric car, they are just not affordable for them or practical. I live in a townhouse with street parking so it’s harder for me to have an electric vehicle because you’ve got HOA rules about digging up the sidewalk. So those are other laws we would have to look into,” he said.
Got that?  'Everybody I talk to wants one!'  Therefore everyone must actually want one(except those stupid people in flyover country).

Now let's look at a real sign of mental retardation:
“It’s a complex thing, but it’s not difficult. It’s just multifaceted and complex. We just need people to lead on this and say ‘look, we’re going to do it,’ and then work backwards on how we actually get there. We’ve done much harder things, you know; we went to the Moon,” he added.

A: Robinson said a statewide ban on gasoline vehicles would serve as a “symbolic act” and help push the private sector to innovate at a faster pace.
'a complex thing, but it’s not difficult. It’s just multifaceted and complex.'  If actually believing that statement isn't a sign of a non-functioning brain, I don't know what is.
B: He thinks an actual law banning gas-powered vehicles would be a SYMBOLIC ACT?  A freaking LAW that can put people in jail, destroy companies, is SYMBOLIC?

As far as his 'we went to the moon' line, I swear to Deity, if we actually try to do that again he'll be one of the idiots trying to stop it because
"We need the money for social justice!"
"Do you know how much pollution this project would cause?"
"These engines are not carbon-neutral!"

Let's throw in one more thing: many millions of vehicles forcibly changed over to electric; where the hell do these people think the energy to charge them is going to come from?
Gabbard said the bill would move the “entire country forward” without “leaving anyone behind” by investing in clean-energy technologies as well as job-retraining programs for coal miners.
What, because only coal miners would be screwed by this?  Hell, they'd need more miners to- oh, that's right, they think that if they just cover every inch of available ground in solar panels and bird cuisinarts, that'll somehow generate enough power to both charge all the new vehicles AND replace the coal and gas plants they want to shut down.  Because they're fucking nuts.


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Surely we can mandate that people - some people- no longer breathe air.

    Let's see how that works.

  2. Yeah. Right. And the power grid collapses at 6PM ET, when all the commuters get home and plug in their cars for the next day's commute.

    Electricians will love it, though, when everyone has to upgrade their house service to 250 amps to handle car charging and household load.

  3. Seems like we went to the moon with fossils fuels too. I believe the Saturn 5 was fueled with kerosene (and liquid oxygen).
