Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A helluva lot of this crap would stop if

they starting throwing these bastards in jail when they lie under oath.
The State Department admitted in federal court last week that it has 72,000 pages of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton's records and has yet to process 40,000 of the pages, Judicial Watch revealed Monday. State has reportedly processed about 32,000 pages of emails so far, with another 40,000 pages still remaining to be processed. Only a small number of the processed emails have been released to the public, the watchdog noted.
State, EffingBI, Dept of 'Justice', all of them: they lie under oath, they submit false documents, prosecute them.  Disbar the lawyers.  Cells for the convicted.

Why yes, I am bloody sick of these people, and those who won't go after them.

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