Thursday, September 07, 2017

"Yes, they REALLY screwed the pooch, BUT..."

No charges will be brought against any senior figures at Rotherham borough council despite “various and substantial organisational failings” that left 1,400 children at risk of sexual abuse, a set of reports has concluded.
Got that?  The rapes and abuse covered up/ignored, thousands of victims, but
The reports concluded that no senior council managers from 1997 to 2013 should face any action despite the independent experts finding “there may have been errors of judgment or missed opportunities”.
 'errors of judgement'.  'missed opportunities'.  Very nice ways to cover this bullshit up, isn't it?

But not everyone gets off free, oh no:
Two social workers were singled out for potential disciplinary action for their failure to protect a girl known as Child E, who was raped twice by older children when in council care, having already suffered sexual abuse in her family setting. Child E went on to suffer from mental illness including at least one psychotic episode that led to her being sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
But Rotherham council has decided there is not enough evidence to take action against the pair after taking advice from an independent expert. It said Child E’s case was “indicative of the widespread systematic failure seen across the safeguarding and care system and as a result no one individual alone could be held culpable”.
Translation: "The system is shite, almost everyone involved is culpable, but we're not going to actually hold ANYONE responsible and take action against them."

Further translation: "Some animals are more equal and important than others."

I'm not going to comment much, because I don't want to blow my blood pressure any higher.  I will include this about all the people who shouldn't be punished:
  • “On the balance of probability” files belonging to a Home Office researcher investigating child sexual abuse in Rotherham were removed by someone with access to key-coded and locked security doors. Some files were also deliberately corrupted. The culprits have not been identified.
  • Senior council figures tried to cover up the theft of 21 laptops containing personal details about child abuse victims in 2011.
  • An internal audit found that council officials chose not to inform the information commissioner about the security breach, then falsely claimed no sensitive data was compromised.
The council leader, Chris Read, castigated his predecessor Roger Stone, along with other Labour party colleagues, for refusing to talk to investigators about their role in the scandal. “Our survivors deserve better than your miserable silence,” said Read. Stone led the council from 2003 until 2014.

Other key figures who declined to be interviewed included Paul Lakin, the former council cabinet member for children and young people’s services who was in the role between 2010 and 2014, and his predecessor Shaun Wright, who held the position from 2005 until 2010. Wright went on to become South Yorkshire’s police and crime commissioner but was forced to stand down after publication of the Jay report in 2014.

There were 27 “key” people whom the report authors could not interview because they did not respond or declined the invitation.
Excuse me, I need to do something else before I start breaking things.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how many of these scum are guilty of more than neglect. Active participation is not beyond belief.
