Friday, September 01, 2017

The integrity of James Comey; I wonder how much he cost?

Former FBI Director James Comey started to draft a statement exonerating Hillary Clinton in the bureau's investigation into her use of a private email server before the FBI interviewed her or her key witnesses, the Senate Judiciary Committee said Thursday.
Throw in the way a lot of key witnesses were interviewed, and the other crap...  Yet we're supposed to trust these people(and I include every jackass involved in this, and the ones who knew it was wrong/illegal/unethical but just shook their head and went on like good little Special Agents).

Speaking of 'Trust them?  Why?' situation,
The United State Department of Justice has issued subpoenas to force a Christian pastor in Virginia to disclose under oath his views on Islam.
In addition to Harrelson, other Christian third-party private citizens have also been subpoenaed to reveal under oath their views on Islam and to deliver any documents they possess related to Islam to federal attorneys.

The Justice Department case alleges that Culpeper County refused to grant a permit to allow the Islamic Center of Culpeper to pump and haul away sewage. The case was brought under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act. The mosque purchased land that was unsuitable for a septic system at the time of purchase.

The United States Department of Justice is pursuing the case against Culpeper County and forcing a Christian pastor and other Christians to testify under oath about their views on Islam even though the mosque itself has already settled all claims with the county.
And just who are the asshats behind this?
The case was brought by the Civil Rights Division's Housing and Civil Enforcement Section. The hiring practices of the Civil Rights Division under President Obama has been the feature of PJ Media’s Every Single One series and an inspector general Report of the Department of Justice. (The lawyers featured in the Every Single One Series from that section can be viewed here.) After obtaining resumes of lawyer hires after PJ Media was forced to file a lawsuit against the DOJ, the series revealed that under President Obama, every single one of the lawyers hired was a partisan or ideological leftist. This led the inspector general to recommend that the department end certain hiring criteria that have led to the perception that only lawyers of a certain leftist ideological perspective are hired.

And, just to remember when asshats start the "Republicans didn't want to help Sandy victims!" bullshit,
That the Sandy relief bill was a pork-laden monstrosity is a difficult-to-reject proposition, containing as it did some $150 million for Alaska fisheries; $41 million for military bases; $5.2 million for the DOJ; $4 million for Kennedy Space Center in Florida; $3.5 million for Homeland Security; and, $2 million for Smithsonian Institution in D.C. Those expenditures, among others, were supposedly connected to Sandy emergency relief because they involved effects from natural disasters. But by 2014, some 74 percent of the money in the Disaster Relief Act of 2013 remained unspent and 64 percent was still unspent by 2015, which alone weakens the argument that the bill needed $50 billion as an emergency relief matter. None of that stopped the Amazon Post’s Glenn Kessler, the Democrat propagandist masquerading as the paper’s “fact checker,” from assigning “three Pinocchios” to Cruz’ argument that the Sandy bill was wasteful.

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