Friday, August 25, 2017

When one of the big gripes about a show is 'it's too American!',

tells you what they're really after.

Yeah, they're gonna shut down Dolly Parton.  In their dreams.

Well, this doesn't look good for Charlottesville.

Mayor Ted Wheeler announced on Twitter that Portland City Council unanimously approved police reforms that eliminate the “48-hour rule,” which previously provided officers who utilized deadly force two days until granting interviews or providing statements.
A lot of cities have rules like this, and it's ticked-off a lot of people.

Gelatin tests on some .38 Special, 9mm, .380, .22 and .32 Mag loads from snubbies.  Lots of penetration, almost none expanded.

In the Dark and Fascist State of New Jersey.  The hell they don't want to take your guns.

When I went to bed last night it was a 30% chance of rain today.  Woke up with it pouring, still showed that.  Now, with it still bloody raining(this friggin' storm keeps rebuilding just south of us) and there's a flash flood warning out, it's become '100% chance of rain'.  Bleep.

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