Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The idiots running Evergreen didn't learn anything

from Mizzou.
Administrators at The Evergreen State College have announced that the embattled school faces a massive $2.1 million budget shortfall due in part to a drop in enrollment, and the institution has already handed out some temporary layoff notices as officials grapple with balancing the books.
If they'd paid attention, they'd have noticed that kids who actually want an EDUCATION don't want to pay out the ass to go to a school run by SJBs who scream "RACIST!!" at anyone who disagrees with them.

Every once in a while someone gets really damned sick of Professional Journalism.

Question would seem to be 'Did she go into shock and couldn't handle it, or did she just not want to treat the cop?'

Answer better be good.

Honor.  Integrity.  Be nice if the EffingBI had any.
That agency badly needs to be cleaned out. 

Make that VERY badly.

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