Thursday, August 17, 2017

Short Version: The EffingBI cannot be trusted,

neither can the Justice Department.  A whole lot of people in both need to be out looking for jobs.
Previously, the FBI told the ACLJ that they found no documents. But, the batch of documents the ACLJ released previously showed FBI employees who were involved in email threads with DOJ officials.

The ACLJ celebrated the decision on their website, saying, "While we appreciate that the FBI has ‘reopened' the case file and is now ‘searching' for documents responsive to our duly submitted [Freedom of Information Act] request from more than a year ago, it stretches the bounds of credulity to suggest that the FBI bureaucracy just discovered that ‘potentially responsive' records ‘may exist' on its own accord."

Speaking of political operatives with bylines.  Loves terrorists, hates our own troops. 

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