Sunday, July 02, 2017

What? The Native Peoples weren't all in harmony and peace before

the nasty Europeans and Brits arrived?  Wow.
A tower of human skulls unearthed beneath the heart of Mexico City has raised new questions about the culture of sacrifice in the Aztec Empire after crania of women and children surfaced among the hundreds embedded in the forbidding structure.

Archaeologists have found more than 650 skulls caked in lime and thousands of fragments in the cylindrical edifice near the site of the Templo Mayor, one of the main temples in the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan, which later became Mexico City.
Next they'll tell us the tribes killed more than they could eat, and modified the land to suit themselves.


  1. I would recommend to anyone del Castillo's first person accounts of "The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico". There is a reason that 500 Spaniards were able to conquer the largest empire in central America. They easily recruited the neighboring tribes because they were sick and tired of paying tribute to the Aztecs in the form of victims for the bloody alters of human sacrifice.

    Even the Spaniards arrogance has to be seen in context. In the same year that Columbus discovered the new world they had finally completed a 700 year long struggle to drive the Moors out of Spain. Why wouldn't they feel entitled to spread Christianity at the point of a sword?

    But then who can be bothered to read anymore?

  2. I would recommend to anyone del Castillo's first person accounts of "The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico". There is a reason that 500 Spaniards were able to conquer the largest empire in central America. They easily recruited the neighboring tribes because they were sick and tired of paying tribute to the Aztecs in the form of victims for the bloody alters of human sacrifice.

    Even the Spaniards arrogance has to be seen in context. In the same year that Columbus discovered the new world they had finally completed a 700 year long struggle to drive the Moors out of Spain. Why wouldn't they feel entitled to spread Christianity at the point of a sword?

    But then who can be bothered to read anymore?

  3. I can't remember the title, a book noted that it was 'a few hundred Spaniards and thousands of local tribes that allied with them'. For good reasons.


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