Tuesday, May 23, 2017

While the media and Democrats keep screaming about Trump and Russia,

how much have you heard about this?
A criminal suspect in an investigation into a major security breach on the House of Representatives computer network has abruptly left the country and gone to Pakistan, where her family has significant assets and VIP-level protection, a relative and others told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group. 

Hina Alvi, her husband Imran Awan, and his brothers Abid and Jamal were highly paid shared IT administrators working for multiple House Democrats until their access to congressional IT systems was terminated Feb. 2 as a result of the investigation. Capitol Police confirmed the investigation is ongoing, but no arrests have been reported in the case.
When this first came out, some of the Democrats they worked for tried to keep them in their jobs(which is freaking insane), and otherwise got in the way; makes you wonder what these people may have on them.

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