Thursday, May 18, 2017

To every asshat out there screaming "Trump is a traitor!",

what, no problem with this?
The Parties agree that, in order to increase transparency in relation to the use of “Trident-II” SLBMs, transferred by the United States of America to equip the Navy of Great Britain, the United States of America shall provide notification to the Russian Federation about the time of such transfer, as well as the unique identifier and the location of each of the transferred missiles. The Parties agree that, upon conclusion of the life cycle of “Trident-II” SLBMs transferred by the United States of America to equip the Navy of Great Britain, the United States of America will send notification to the Russian Federation about the time and method of elimination, as well as the unique identifier for each of the transferred missiles.
“So, let me get this straight,” says Steve Baldwin, former Republican whip in the California state assembly, who brought this travesty to my attention. “Trump shares intelligence with Russia about ISIS, a third-party terrorist group that both countries are fighting. All hell breaks loose. But Obama gives secrets about British nuclear missiles to Russia with no obvious benefit to the West, and our media ignore it?”

To the asshats: as others have already said, "Stop making me defend Trump over bullshit! "  And I'll add "And stop defending Obama when he committed what could actually be referred to as treason."

And if giving a foreign power this kind of information doesn't quite meet the proper definition, it definitely meets the definition of 'back-stabbing piece of shit'.


  1. Anonymous10:39 AM

    You are an idiot. While Trump sharing classified information given to the U.S. via an ally ( Israel ) was not illegal, doing so directly compromised the United States's integrity on the world stage, and directly diminished the trust all U.S. Allies had in our willingness to protect their own assets. Obama notifying Russia of the movement and placement of SLBM's in the U.K. was not only leagal, but directly required by international law as outlined in the 1991 START treaty sub paragraph 3a of Article VIII, as well as the revised START treaty Article XIII. If your going to go on a rant and insinuate that a former president has violated international law, then at least take the five minutes required to actually research international law regarding the situation that you are referencing.

  2. Ah yes, Trumps a traitor and Obama glows with virtue.

    Go kiss his ass somewhere else.


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