Thursday, May 18, 2017

Remember: when seconds count, the DC cops

are wondering how to deal with actual bad guys.
Pitiful, isn't it?
And I guarantee you, if any of those protesters had been one of the rare people with a DC carry permit and used the sidearm to protect themselves, these same cops would've landed on top of them with all feet and hauled them off to jail.

"The police will protect you", bullshit.


  1. The Turkish thugs are employees of the Turkish Embassy and have varying degrees of diplomatic immunity. (Lower-level employees like these guys only have immunity for actions they take in performance of their official duties; wanna bet that Erdogan and his pals would claim that they were protecting the Embassy as part of their official duties?)
    Blasting someone with diplomatic immunity is in fact "dicey," and doing it on the Embassy lawn (legally Turkish territory), where some of the DC coppers were, is technically an act of war.
    So you can't compare this with a DC permit violation.
    I have my problems with DCMPD, and this is probably the only time in my life I've ever defended them. But on top of all their other problems, they have to deal with crap like this all the time.

  2. Except from what I've read, they left the embassy property and attacked these people in a park across the street.

  3. I know what you're saying, but it probably doesn't matter. Erdogan will insist that they were protecting the Embassy, therefore they are covered by diplomatic immunity. In my experience (and I have some), the State Department won't argue otherwise. The State Department's default position is always to cover for the "guest" country, and Tillerson won't change it.

  4. You're probably right. I seriously chaps my ass for thugs like that to get away with behavior like this


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