Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Comey, you suck. I mean 'Hoover with a ungoverned turbocharger'-level suck.

Found through Ace:
Multiple U.S. senators are now demanding that FBI Director James Comey disclose whether Fusion GPS, the Democratic opposition research firm that produced the debunked dossier on President Trump’s alleged Russia ties, was itself a Russian agent working on behalf of Vladimir Putin’s regime.
Graham: Are you familiar with Fusion?
Comey: I know the name.
Graham: Are they part of the Russian intelligence apparatus?
Comey: I can’t say.
Graham: Do you agree with me that if Fusion was involved in preparing a dossier against Donald Trump, that would be interfering in our election by the Russians?
Comey: I don’t want to say.
Grassley asked for information on March 6 about the FBI’s relationship to Christopher Steele, author of a political opposition research dossier that alleged collusion between associates of Donald Trump and the Russian government. The FBI failed to respond, despite a March 20 deadline.

On February 15, Grassley and ranking member Sen. Dianne Feinstein asked for a briefing and documents related to the resignation of Trump National Security Advisor Mike Flynn and the leaks of classified info involving him. There was a “startling lack of responsiveness” to the request, Grassley wrote. Comey finally briefed Grassley and Feinstein in mid-March, addressing also a small number of the questions about Steele.

On April 19, the FBI claimed that the meeting addressed the concerns of both letters. “That is incorrect,” Grassley noted. Not only has the FBI failed to provide the documents requested in the March letter or answer the vast majority of its questions, there appear to be “material inconsistencies” between the description of the FBI’s relationship with Steele that Comey gave in the briefing and information contained in Justice Department documents made available to the committee after the briefing.
Comey needs to be informed "Answer the damned questions or be charged with contempt and placed in a cell."

Also, Tapper finds it "damning" that Comey didn't think Loretta Lynch had the credibility to "credibly end this," that is, the investigation into the Clinton email scandal, and to "decline prosecution."

I find it equally damning that Comey viewed it as his, the FBI's, and the DOJ's mission "to credibly end this" [investigation] by "declin[ing] prosecution."

Seems like Comey already had his pre-ordained conclusion firmly in mind; he just didn't think Lynch had the credibility to do the dirty deed herself. So he'd step up to the bat and do what Establishment Washington needed him to do:

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