Monday, April 10, 2017

'Sanctuary City' actually means "Screw the citizens,

turn those criminals loose.  Progress, comrades!"
The First Name and Shame List is out. This is the list of criminals that ICE has issued detainers for that were not honored by jails.  That means that some alleged “cop” decided to let illegal aliens who are committing other crimes out of their jail instead of out of the country.

Travis County (San Antonio Austin) shows up particularly poorly in this.  In short, they are a fucking disgrace to the state of Texas.  Who did these Fake Americans put out on the streets of San Antonio to continue terrorizing good Real Americans?
  • Assault: 21
  • Aggravated Assault: 8
  • Domestic Violence/Family Violence: 33
  • Prohibited Weapons: 4
  • Drunk driving: 31
  • Weapons Charges: 3
  • Robbery: 4
  • Burglary: 12
  • Kidnapping: 1
  • Car Theft: 1
  • Indecent Exposure/Sex Offense: 2
  • Child Molestation: 6
I do wonder: when confronted by, say, the parents of a molested kid, how do these bastards defend turning the molester loose?  The kidnapper?  The (often repeat) drunk driver who may have maimed or killed someone?

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