Sunday, April 30, 2017

DHS: "It's too much trouble to obey these FOIA requests."

Judicial Watch: "Bullshit."
This kind of crap is going to continue until some judges actually start throwing people in cells for ignoring/lying/playing games like this.

The University of Arkansas: Free Speech Not Available Here(but cowardice and bigotry is).

1 comment:

  1. "This kind of crap is going to continue until some judges actually start throwing people in cells"

    The problem with this is that just as often as not it's the judges
    who belong behind bars. Till we find a way to clean up the judiciary and restore the law as the benchmark instead of allowing activist
    pirates in black robes to use their power to push the lefts agenda
    the courts are more harmful then helpful. I fear nothing will improve
    until we start hanging judges, politicians etc. wholesale.


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