Wednesday, March 15, 2017

You want to know just how effing stupid this 'ableist' bullshit is?

This effing stupid.
“Members of the signing Deaf community argue that research which aims to eliminate or cure deafness is a form of cultural genocide,” Burke explains. “The argument goes like this: the use of gene therapy to cure hereditary deafness would result in smaller numbers of deaf children. This, in turn, would reduce the critical mass of signing Deaf people needed for a flourishing community, ultimately resulting in the demise of the community.”

Burke argues that people simply assume that life is better if you are able to hear sounds — that possessing a full complement of basic senses is better than missing a really important one.

“This bias of Hearing culture can be seen in the normative claim that it is better to be a member of the dominant, mainstream Hearing cultural community than to be a member of the non-dominant Deaf cultural community,” Burke writes.
Think about that.  'Form of cultural genocide.'  'Bias of Hearing culture'.

From a fucking PROFESSOR of 'philosophy and religeon'.

These students are being taught by idiots.

1 comment:

  1. "Burke argues that people simply assume that life is better if you are able to hear sounds..."

    I don't suppose anyone snuck up behind him and punched him in the head?


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