Friday, March 17, 2017

Short version: "You idiots in black robes REALLY screwed this up."

The language of the opinion was almost Scalian: the five Ninth Circuit judges noted their “obligation to correct” the “manifest” errors so bad that the “fundamental” errors “confound Supreme Court and Ninth Circuit precedent.” The district court questioned any judge issuing a “nationwide TRO” “without making findings of fact or conclusions of law” on the merits of the matter and conducting published opinions on seminal matters of national security based on “oral argument by phone involving four time zones.”

Aside from the procedural defects of the process, the five panel jurists then noted the deep legal problems with the panel’s order: its a-historicity, it’s abdication of precedent, and its usurpation of Constitutionally delegated Presidential rights.
That's about as close to "You fools have no business wearing those black robes" as you'll see coming from other judges.

Hey, if you define 'religious-related' properly, you can ignore just about anything.
She said the final straw was when she received death threats to her family from her year 5 and 6 students, with some saying they would behead her.

Prior to that she claimed she made a number of complaints in 2014 about some of the behaviour in her classroom.

She said she was abused by students when she stopped them from hanging a Syrian flag in the classroom.
News Corp reports that the woman said her complaints to the NSW Department of Education were simply dismissed.

A spokeswoman for the Education Department did not deny that teachers at the school had been given compensation.

However, she said the department was not aware of any religious-related violence at the school.
A Sydney high school principal and his deputy have been sacked after female teachers were excluded from school events.
Why might that have happened?
According to the complaint, the award ceremony exclusion was just one of a number of issues at the school, which has predominantly Muslim students.
The decision to sack the school leaders comes after Hurstville Boys High introduced a policy allowing Muslim students to refuse to shake the hands of female teachers.
Australia is in trouble.

If you substitute "colored people" every time you read "people of color" as you follow the so-called "news" the racism is glaring. The grammatical difference is tiny. The substantive difference is enormous. Left-wing racists insist on singling out people based on race, and name calling. Conservatives, centrists and moderates (almost the same thing) never do, because they shy away from racism and calling people colored ("of color"). It's just not right. It's left.

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