Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Sen. Coons is a lying bastard

...There are transcripts that provide very helpful, very critical insights into whether or not Russian intelligence and senior Russian political leaders, including Vladimir Putin, were cooperating, were colluding with the Trump campaign at the highest levels to influence the outcome of our election. And if that information is stonewalled or hidden away and if we are not able to get that on the Senate intelligence committee, House intelligence committee then I think that has real consequences for our democracy.
MITCHELL: Do such transcripts exist? Is that what you’re saying?
COONS: I have not seen them. I believe they exist.

What I was trying to make clear, Chris, and I appreciate a chance to restate this, is that I don't have -- and I don't know of -- any conclusive proof, one way or the other.

So a bunch of leftist students prevent someone from speaking, attack the speaker and you, send you to the hospital, and-

it's because of Trump. Sure.

Interesting bit of British history: When Feminists Sent Men Off To Die

1 comment:

  1. And how would they get transcripts if there was no surveillance?


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