Tuesday, February 21, 2017

On the subject of Japanese-American internment in WWII,

from a thread on Facebook, a bit from Mr. Correia on the subject:
The internment was absolute bullshit. If there were 6k collaborators yelling banzai, then you've got probable cause to believe those individuals are a threat to national security.

For the rest? Yeah, apparently fuck those guys. As an added bonus as y
ou are ignoring their civil liberties you also get to confiscate all of their valuable property in one of the now most lucrative real estate markets in the US (which conveniently went to democrat developers).

What about the Japanese in the rest of the US? Do they own orchards we can build suburbs on? No? Meh. Leave them.

During this all the republicans and half the democrats were saying WTF but they couldn't do shit during a war against a popular populist authoritarian administration, without getting labeled as weak on the war. It took a while for it to make it through the courts.

Somebody said at least Manzanar was safe? And otherwise there would have been lynchings? Extra bullshit. Because there were SO MANY other lynchings across America of Japanese and Germans. That's America, always with the lynchings.

I would invite anybody who thinks the internment was so great to go visit Topaz during the winter and imagine living in a shack there. Here's a hint. It really sucks. However bad you think it is, it is actually worse.


  1. indyjonesouthere7:27 PM

    There were Italian internment camps in Montana as well.

  2. Not condoning the internment camps by any means. Unconstitutional by any stretch, but there is an interesting book about it. Figure if the government can do it one if us, any of us can be the next bad guy.

    Had to google it to get the name. Magic: The Untold Story of U.S. Intelligence and the Evacuation of Japanese Residents from the West Coast During Ww II.

  3. markm8:44 AM

    Yes, there were internment camps for Italian and German _nationals_, who came under particular _individual suspicion_. That's two huge differences between the treatment of Japanese and of Italians and Germans and the Japanese internment:

    Only a few percent of the Germans and Italians were sent to the camps, and only because there was some reason to suspect them as individuals. All Japanese in the west-coast stes were scooped up.

    US citizens by birth were sent to the camps just because of Japanese ancestry. Germans and Italians sent to the camps were non-citizens; they could bring their American children with them, but it wasn't required.


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