Friday, February 10, 2017

I may have posted this before, but it's worth doing again

Why Civil(ian) Unrest Scares Me

Among the key points which I think a lot of the idiot 'protesters' aren't thinking:
Here's the issue with official numbers. They DON'T tell us how many rioters/ looters were killed or injured in/by 'neighborhoods' rebuffing them.  

 I tell you this because when you watched  live broadcasting of the riots, you repeatedly saw rioters being turned back by coming under fire by someone protecting their property. I can guarantee you they weren't 'warning shots.' (In Koreatown, there were snipers on the roof.)
...But what can be clearly stated -- and needs to be understood -- is cops, unlike civilians -- have rules of engagement, limits and use of force restrictions. 

Civilians don't. That’s the other way bodies start stacking up.

1 comment:

  1. "But what can be clearly stated -- and needs to be understood -- is cops, unlike civilians -- have rules of engagement, limits and use of force restrictions."

    Anyone who believes this is either an abject moron or has been living on another planet for the past 30 years. Think that LEO has any of the above? Ask Vicki Weaver....or all those dead kids at Waco. The ONLY limits LEO has are the ones
    they impose upon be ignored as desired when desired.


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