Saturday, January 21, 2017

This'll cause some of the greenies heartburn

New evidence involving the ancient poop of some of the huge and astonishing creatures that once roamed Australia indicates the primary cause of their extinction around 45,000 years ago was likely a result of humans, not climate change
"The results of this study are of significant interest across the archaeological and Earth science communities and to the general public who remain fascinated by the menagerie of now extinct giant animals that roamed the planet - and the cause of their extinction - as our own species began its persistent colonization of Earth," said van der Kaars.

In 2016 Miller used burned eggshells of the 400-pound bird, Genyornis, as the first direct evidence that humans actually preyed on the Australian megafauna.
There's been argument for years about the disappearance of megafauna in North America.  Because- short & dirty version- if the first immigrants actually had a large hand in it, it would mean they weren't the 'barely left a footprint on Mother Gaia' types the greenies and a bunch of the tribes want them to be seen as.  So this could throw some gas on that fire.

No, O'Donnell(you dumbass), you really don't want someone playing 'martial law' to keep Obama in power.  Or does the 'Law of Unintended Consequences' ring no bell for you?

Be a bit much for President.  For SecDef Mattis, on the other hand...

1 comment:

  1. taminator0134:20 PM

    Yeah, I always loved the "revered the earth" stories about Indians. They pretty much killed and ate anything and everything that they could. Once the game was gone they moved somewhere else and did the same thing. One of their tactics was to start huge fires to drive the animals toward where they could be killed. Hey, I don't blame them. You do what you gotta do to live. What I object to is all the crying Indian seeing someone litter bullshit.........


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