Thursday, January 05, 2017

Remember the line from Insty to 'just think of most media weenies as Democrat operatives

with bylines'?  To prove the point,
Glenn Thrush of Politico was caught sending emails to the Clinton people for their prior approval. He called himself in his own email a "hack." he confessed, lamenting perhaps, that he is a hack...

He was with Politico, and I'll have you know he's no longer with Politico. He's now with the New York Times. The Times saw this and said they liked the cut of his jib. So they hired him away from the Politico... It is considered to be a big promotion...

The New York Times saw Glenn Thrush collaborating behind the scenes with the Clinton campaign and they hired him away from the Politico...

The news media is now conspiring out in the open against the Trump administration, against the Republican congress. Obstruction is now a virtue. Remember when it was horrible? When Mitch McConnell suggested he wasn't going to support Barack Obama's agenda? Now it is noble. It is a holy mission...

And they're bitching about 'fake news'...

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