Tuesday, January 24, 2017

"ANY excuse to ban guns is good,

no matter how hypocritical."
So of course they want it both ways:
"I moved near this shooting range, and guns are loud, so I want it closed!" goes with
"Guns are loud, and that's a safety feature, don't let the gun nuts quiet them down!"

They also demonstrate further ignorance of what they speak of:
Further proliferation of silencers would also have the commercial benefit of boosting gun sales, because most existing guns do not have the threaded barrels necessary to attach them.
Because they never heard of threading barrels, or adapters, or- for some firearms- getting a threaded barrel and dropping it in.



  1. taminator0136:57 AM

    I belong to two different shooting ranges. One is North Side Sportsmans Association of which I am a life member. It was founded many decades ago in the far northern area of Allegheny County as a place for Pittsburghers to hunt and shoot. Back when it was built there was nothing there, but woods and a few farms. About thirty years ago there was a building boom in the area. Now there are expensive housing tracts, shopping malls and restaurants everywhere. The police in the area are always fielding noise complaints and even one instance of someone reporting that shots were taken at a school bus. There have also been a number of lawsuits against the club because of the noise. Luckily nothing has ever come of any of this. Basically the court has said that the club has been there a lot longer than your house, so deal with the noise or move. If you don't like it you shouldn't have moved there in the first place.

    The other that I belong to is Allegheny Country Rifle Club. It was founded in 1896 and is the oldest continuing rifle club in the United States. Same thing there with noise complaints and pretty much the same results with lawsuits. The courts always tell the complainant, "TFB. If you don't like noise, then you shouldn't have bought a house near a rifle range." I am grateful that sometimes the law works the way it's supposed to........

  2. I was shooting at the Boerne Shooting Club range here in Boerne Texas this morning and it is now .22 only because it is in the city limits. It was an old German Shutzen Club founded in 1864 and it has been in continuous use since then. The records and minutes were kept in German until the 1930's so as far as we know we pre-date most all of the other wonderful old shooting ranges. http://www.boerneshootingclub.com/

    Ad Topperwein's father Ferdinand was one of the founders of our club. Ad and his wife Pinky were exhibition shooters for Winchester for decades. http://www.expressnews.com/150years/people/article/Famous-pair-of-trick-shooters-toured-U-S-and-6314907.php We like our shooting history here in the Texas Hill Country and we seem to get along with our Shooting Club neighbors fairly well.

  3. taminator01310:26 AM

    The Allegheny Country Rifle Club that I mentioned was also started for the same reason that was given at the Boerne website. Ours was also founded by Germans. Our address is even on Schuetzen Park Road. We were always told that ours was the oldest continuing rifle club in the US. Looks like yours predates ours by 32 years. Maybe we are the oldest that is still at its original location. Who knows? I won't tell anyone at Allegheny that there is one that's older. They'd probably be pretty bummed out. Anyway, good shooting............

  4. I don't know about the time and location because ours relocated over a hundred years ago to it's present site. There is an old dance hall and a big place for roasting pigs and stuff on the site. We still have the 100 yard Shutzen structure plus our 50 yard site. I love shooting on this old place where others did before. You all might be the oldest on the same ground and that is wonderful.

  5. taminator0136:43 AM

    Ah, yes the pig roasts. We have an annual pig and corn roast every August. Our clubs certainly sound like siblings. I feel proud to be a member of your little brother.............


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