Friday, December 23, 2016

Lady, if that's how you learned about our country,

no wonder your 'understanding' is so freakin' screwed.
You may not know us, the people beyond your borders, but we know you. We absorbed your politics by osmosis, across the semipermeable membrane of celluloid. We know about Air Force One from “Air Force One” and the West Wing from “The West Wing.”
For all the intractable problems in our region, there is a sense of forward movement. When we visit America now, it feels like the opposite, like decay. Roads, airports, an economy, perhaps even a society, falling to pieces.
Poor Lisa. She’s this close to understanding why the nation rejected Hillary, but still doesn’t quite get it.
Of course not; it was OWED to Hillary!, it was her job!  Etc.
Mr. Blair's summation:
Believe it or not, this ran on the front page of the New York Times’s international edition – much as the moron played by Andrew McCarthy’s in St Elmo’s Fire had his thoughts about the meaning of life published on the front page of the Washington Post.

It’s taken more than 30 years, but the US media (aided by an Australian contributor) is now officially at the level of a a dumb 1980s brat pack movie.

German authorities have arrested two brothers on suspicion of planning an attack on a shopping centre in the western city of Oberhausen, police said Friday.

The two men were aged 28 and 31 and originally from Kosovo, police said, with the country on edge after a jihadist drove a truck into a Christmas market in Berlin killing 12 people.
Here you can carry; if you don't everyday, I'd suggest you start.

The terrorist who drove a truck into that Christmas market is dead; made it all the way to Italy.

1 comment:

  1. "We absorbed your politics by osmosis, across the semipermeable membrane of celluloid. We know about Air Force One from 'Air Force One' and the West Wing from 'The West Wing.'"

    She might want to remember that's how Hitler and Tojo were sure we'd fold like a piece of paper after Pearl Harbor.


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