Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Anyone want to know why Obama became known as SCOAMF*, and is seen as the enemy?

He and all his minions?
Last week, the Obama administration put the finishing touches on a new policy that would deprive recipients of disability insurance and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) of their Second Amendment rights. The administration will now characterize those citizens as "mental defectives," thereby having their ability to own a firearm subject to the federal Gun Control Act.

Supplemental Security Income helps blind, disabled, and elderly people with little to no income. Previously, it was understood that "mentally defective" referred to one's mental health. Citizens who have been institutionalized against their will are restricted from owning a firearm. The new definition of "mentally defective" has nothing to do with being mentally ill.

The Social Security Administration released its final decision after a period of open comments that drew more than 91,000 responses, including a response from the NRA. Although Obama likes to empty out Guantanamo Bay of dangerous terrorists and commute the sentences of criminals guilty of breaking federal firearms laws, he doesn't like law-abiding American citizens to possess firearms.
Another last- days act by a bitter, vindictive little shit attacking people who refuse to kiss his ass and follow his royal directives.

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