Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Speaking of the Dept. of 'Justice',

Another possible conflict of interest stemmed from Justice Department official Peter Kadzik’s close ties to Clinton campaign chair John Podesta. Kadzik, the Justice Department’s liaison to Congress, emailed Podesta in May 2015, giving him a “heads up” that the head of the DOJ Civil Division was about to testify before the House Judicial Committee and was “likely to get questions on State Department emails.”

In the May 19, 2015 email released by WikiLeaks, Kadzik also informed Podesta that the latest FOIA filing “indicates it will be awhile (2016) before the State Department posts the emails” recovered from Hillary Clinton’s private server.

Podesta forwarded Kadzik’s email to the Clinton campaign team, telling them: “Additional chances for mischief.”
'Possible conflict'?

Throw in everything else that's come out, add Eric Holder II running the place, and it doesn't need investigation, it needs fumigation.

1 comment:

  1. With the election of !TRUMP!, the PTB in DC will have to start importing shredder-trucks because for damn-certain they won't be able to find enough of them in DC to shred the proof of their dirty work for the next two and a half months.
