Monday, September 05, 2016

'To annoy your enemy endlessly,

see them screaming before you, and hear the lamentations of the SJBs!'

It's amazing.  A con has voting based on 'What books do you like?', and the weenies insist it's racist and misogynist and all that other crap

Ahh, their butthurt is sweet.


  1. SJB? I couldn't find a definition online.

  2. Social Justice Bitches

  3. But the puppies are all powerful, don't you know that? Because they are so powerful the fact that the TrueFans could defeat them twice when it comes to Hugos is so much more awesome...


    For the non-informed, google "sad puppies" and "Hugo awards", but be aware that most of what you will find is because the WorldCon connected science fiction TrueFans (yes, insider jargon, sorry) do have good connections to mainstream media and did go for all out war when some mere science fiction fans - people who like it as their entertainment - tried to get a foot in choosing the Hugo awards winners, after years when those supposed fan awards had been mostly owned by a small clique of ardent social justice zealots who prefer "socially important" over "fun to read" every time.

    And those TrueFans managed to turn a bunch of quite diverse people with several different skin colors, sexual preferences and both sexes with several women among the leaders into all white Mormon males with KKK tendencies. At least in the public eye, for those who just maybe noticed an article or two about the whole thing.

    But the purity of Hugos and science fiction as a serious literature in general is a life and death deal to the TrueFans, and makes all tactics permissible. While the Sad Puppies do tend to regard their lives outside of fandom rather important too...

  4. Thanks for the heads-up on the TLA.
    Stay safe
