Tuesday, September 13, 2016

"Security? We don't need no stinking security."

Mr Cooper just admitted he had complete access to Hillary's server and had no security clearance

Add that to this:
Two employees for the tech firm that managed Hillary Clinton’s private email server invoked their Fifth Amendment rights in a House hearing on Tuesday. 

Paul Combetta and Bill Thornton both appeared in front of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee for a hearing to examine the preservation of Clinton’s State Department emails.

One of the more interesting parts:
Combetta’s immunity agreement has angered some Republican lawmakers because he seemingly lied to the FBI during one of two interviews he attended earlier this year.
According to the FBI’s report of its Clinton email investigation, Combetta gave conflicting answers when asked about his decision to use a software program called BleachBit to delete backups of Clinton’s emails from PRN’s servers.
I could be mistaken, but I think that, if they find that you lied to them, the immunity agreement can go out the window, AND you'd be liable for lying to a federal investigator.

Of course, that assumes the EffingBI actually wanted to get to the bottom of this.

"We had probable cause!"  Yeah, right.

Reason #468 to get rid of the EPA: lies and corruption.
McCarthy said the spill was an “unfortunate accident” in a 2015 speech. The EPA head changed her tune shortly thereafter, avoiding labeling the spill an “accident” in her prepared testimony before House lawmakers in September, 2015, instead calling the spill an “unfortunate incident.”

EPA officials have been more circumscribed in their references to the Gold King Mine. The agency has a long history of practicing avoidance procedures when taken to task for mistakes and accidents.

Senior EPA officials in 2015, for instance, largely ignored complaints by 16 women — mostly employees — accusing one agency official of sexual harassment. The employee got promoted despite the complaints.

It found itself roiled in another scandal in May, 2015, when the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing showing that the EPA paid a registered sex offender to retire, rather than terminating his employment.

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