Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Any time at the range is generally good,

but when the temp and humidity hit 90's and 47%, it does take the starch out as the day progresses.

Now I have things to clean, and brass to sort.

While I'm doing that, I leave you with another peaceful protest:
In a statement, the Morton County Sheriff's Department said protesters marched from their encampment onto private lands, where the pipeline is being constructed.

"Once protestors arrived at the construction area, they broke down a wire fence by stepping and jumping on it," the sheriff's office said. "According to numerous witnesses within five minutes the crowd of protestors, estimated to be a few hundred people became violent. They stampeded into the construction area with horses, dogs and vehicles."

Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier said it "was more like a riot than a protest." Videos show some protesters were bloodied and the sheriff says three private security officers were hurt.

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