Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Who cares about a few tens of millions of dead?

He was a communist, so it was all for the best, right?
Concerts are to be held in Sydney and Melbourne town halls to honour Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong, described in promotional material as “a hero in the eyes of people all over the world"… The events have been widely promoted in Chinese-language print media and radio to take place in Sydney on September 6 and Melbourne on September 9…

On the Clinton crime family, Brit press, too, which makes it hard for the leftists to yell "FAUX NEWS!" or 'Right-Wing Media!'
Major Clinton Foundation donors and officials got VIP access to Hillary Clinton's State Department office, putting in requests for State Department favors on behalf of rock star Bono, the Crown Prince of Bahrain, and an English soccer player, according to newly-released emails.

The emails, obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch, show that Clinton Foundation official Doug Band often passed along requests to Clinton's top aide Huma Abedin on behalf of the foundation's donors and their friends or clients. In other cases, donors emails Abedin or Clinton directly.

Afzal Chaudhary said his he is shocked his son was able to steal and fly the plane without a “single minute” of flight training.
Mohammad Hassan Chaudhary of Markham, Ont. was killed after the small Piper Tomahawk aircraft he allegedly stole from the Markham Airport smashed into the ground just before 1:30 a.m. Aug. 12 near the Landsdowne Place mall.
Anybody else get that flashing 'Bullshit!' warning light from this?

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