Wednesday, August 03, 2016

This is one of the more stupid things I've read in a while, because

the people he's demanding stop, are the ones who've helped her get away with this crap for so long.
Her dishonesty could push an unknown number of independent and undecided voters into Trump’s camp or toward a non-major-party candidate. If too many swing voters walk away from Clinton because she destroyed her credibility or because they don’t want to condone her behavior, the nuclear codes go to Trump.

That is why Clinton’s advisers, senior Democrats, and members of the liberal media need to stop covering for Clinton. Stop repeating her spin. Stop spreading her lies. Stop enabling her worse angels. It’s too late for Clinton to come clean, but honorable Democrats should at least insist that she stop muddying the water.
Yeah.  The media is going to start calling her on lies.  Her advisers are going to grow spines.  Senior Democrats(Feinstein, Reid, Rangel anyone?) are going to tell her to knock it off.

What've you been smoking, Fournier?

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