Thursday, August 04, 2016


When asked whom they would vote for during the 2016 campaign, 78% of servicemembers picked “other.” Nearly all then chose “military coup” from a list of options that also included Joe Biden, Ted Cruz, Jill Stein and “a massive earthquake that wipes out life in North America.”

When retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis was included on the list, he was the most popular write in. However most of those who selected him also called for him to lead the armed rebellion against the United States government.

Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson came in a distant 3rd, but still far ahead of Republican candidate Donald Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton, or any other option that didn’t involve the possibility of civil war.


  1. Oh right, duffleblog...

    I'd seriously doubt if 78% of today's military would side against D.C.

  2. Sadly, its a satire site. But dang it hits close to the mark!

  3. Sadly, its a satire site. But dang it hits close to the mark!
