Monday, July 25, 2016

Yeah, but it's a village for journalists, so

there may be a plan here.
As reporters and cameramen start to arrive ahead of the opening ceremony next month, a community of descendants of runaway slaves, known as a quilombo, has said the site of the Barra Media Village 3, close to the Olympic Park, was built on land where their ancestors were buried – and which they consider sacred.
“One Sunday morning a chainsaw came and devastated everything including century-old trees,” Almeida said. “I regard the ground as sacred because it is where my ancestors were buried.”
There is the temptation toward "Dammit, you should've waited until they'd arrived!  THEN start yelling, and if journalists start disappearing..."

From GFZ, on the Democrats trying to blame Indiana for the violent crime in Chicago:
The Obama administration fully admits that it doesn’t bother to prosecute these types of crimes.  For all the call by Democrats for universal background checks, the one thing that they don’t seem to discuss is how the Federal Government doesn’t actually punish people who violate current federal background check laws.
Apparently enforcing the law against criminals who want to break the law is just too much work.  It is much easier to criminalize more common behaviors and bust the law abiding citizens who accidentally violate the law and then claim victory for “doing something.”

Federal Professionals.
Now, the TSA's summer may be getting even worse: According to a recent report from the House Homeland Security Commission entitled "Misconduct at TSA Threatens the Security of the Flying Public", nearly half of the TSA’s 60,000 employees have been cited for misconduct in recent years.

The bad news doesn't stop there. Citations have increased 28.5 percent from 2013 to 2015, and in 2015, the average U.S. airport received 58 complaints each year—more than one a week. (Unsurprisingly, some of the nation's largest and busiest airports—Los Angeles International Airport, Newark International Airport, and Boston Logan International Airport—saw the highest rates of misconduct.) The complaints can come from frustrated passengers, sure, but also from fellow TSA employees and other government workers.

Perhaps even worse? The outcomes of these misconduct allegations.

Another attack in Germany.

You've got two choices: the idiot AG had no idea what all she decided to ban(with, from I can tell, zero legal authority), or she knew and wanted to ban as much as possible.

I see lawsuits in the future.  Possibly impeachment.


  1. It is much easier to criminalize more common behaviors and bust the law abiding citizens who accidentally violate the law

    A lot safer too.
    Why go after the real problem, gang members,, when you can charge someone who isn't itching to shoot at you.

  2. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Oh Lordy, Lordy, I'm having a 60's flashback....
    I read this line really fast; "I see lawsuits in the future. Possibly impeachment."
    And I read it as, "I see pantsuits in the future..."
    Had a mental image of cankles in that ugly ass gray suit.
