Friday, July 29, 2016

Whilst I decide whether I can do without the a/c tonight,

to help the electric bill(yuck), take a look at the current data; it's more fun than what I'm doing


  1. As for the AC, assuming you have central AC, we added some window units to the house and dropped our AC bill by quite a bit. Keeping a room cool with a window unit is cheaper that cooling the whole house with the central AC. We can keep the bedroom comfortable at night, and not have to pay to keep the rest of the house cool. If you buy a window unit, measure the square footage of the room, add 50%, and buy a unit to cool at least that size if not more. Mine are capable of cooling twice the size of the room where they are. It really helps in a Texas summer.

  2. If you was to send me #13 tied up in a bow, I'd likely be your friend forever....

  3. I've got a window unit for the bedroom, and it helps; it's been nasty enough heat index lately I've had to use the central more than usual.

    B, if I could send any of them anywhere...
