Friday, July 15, 2016

Primary weapon in latest terrorist attack in France:

a truck.  84 dead. 

I wonder if President HopeyChangeypants will have problems figuring out the motivation of the terrorist?

And I wonder how many are thinking "I need to see if there's any data on how my carry ammo works on auto glass" ?


  1. I was wondering how long it would take the gun nuts to scream "See, you can kill people with a truck too!" Idiots.

  2. I was wondering how long it would take the gun nuts to scream "See, you can kill people with a truck too!" Idiots.

  3. Joe Diver, yes we all blame the tool,not.

  4. If you find a link to ammo penetration tests on auto glass, I'd be interested.

  5. Yeah. We always blame objects instead of the people usi- oh, wait, that's the left, the gun bigots, and the hoplophobes.

  6. B, I think any that passes the FBI tests will do as well as can, I think that's part of it. I haven't seen a specific auto glass test, Erin did have this on general tests:

  7. B:
    I haven't seen any such tests in a long time, but I know of a few anecdotes. Windshields have deflected both .38 Spl. and .45 ACP rounds on several occasions that I know about. 9mm is much more effective. In fact, when the Illinois State Police became the first large U.S. police department to adopt the 9mm (S&W Model 39) in 1967, they did it because of the 9mm's superiority penetration of auto bodies and auto glass.
    Of course, a lot depends on the angle.
