Saturday, July 09, 2016

I have sworn to buy no more books

until the list of 'unread' stuff on the Kindle, and in the box, gets cut down.

This is HARD.


  1. I feel your pain.

    I bought a Michael Z. Williamson paperback from Amazon last week. It arrived yesterday, and as soon as I opened the package I realized that I had bought the book in hardbound when it first came out last year.

    It ain't easy being a bibliophile ... especially one who doesn't file his books by author and release date!

  2. Marja5:32 PM

    Okay, just start by saying your name and the confession that you are a biblioholic (and that totally should be a word if it isn't).

    Have to admit that ebooks have made things a lot harder. Now not even "no more shelf space or space for shelves" can be used as a way to limit the purchases.

  3. Kindle does let me know if I have already bought it from kindle.

  4. I have books stacked six feet tall next to my bookcases and I'm still buying books. I subscribe to the belief that one does not have too many books, one has too few bookshelves.
