Friday, July 08, 2016

Because of idiots who won't get vaccinated...

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - Health officials in Arizona say the largest current measles outbreak in the United States is in part because some workers at a federal immigration detention center refuse to get vaccinated.

Authorities have confirmed 22 measles cases in Arizona since late May. They all stem from the Eloy Detention Center, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility managed by the private Corrections Corporation of America.

Pinal County health director Thomas Schryer said the outbreak likely began with a migrant but that detainees have since been vaccinated. Convincing employees to get vaccinated or show proof of immunity has proven much tougher, he said.
Working in a place where you KNOW people from countries with the disease running around will be coming in, and you won't get the shot?  You're a moron.

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