Monday, June 27, 2016

They all just seem to WANT to throw away their reputation...

Nearly two decades and $108 million worth of “disturbing” data manipulation with “serious and far ranging” effects forced a federal lab to close, a congressman revealed Thursday.
The inorganic section of the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Energy Geochemistry Laboratory in Lakewood, Colo. manipulated data on a variety of topics – including many related to the environment – from 1996 to 2014. The manipulation was caught in 2008, but continued another six years.
Take note of that 'CONTINUED FOR ANOTHER SIX YEARS' crap.  From the freaking GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.

Westerman cited a recent Department of the Interior Inspector General (IG) report that said impacts from the data manipulation “are not yet known but, nevertheless, they will be serious and far ranging. The affected projects represented about $108 million in taxpayer funding from fiscal year 2008 through 2014.”
'serious and far ranging'.
This is going to put not just everything from that lab, but lots of other stuff from USGS in doubt.  Because if they let one lab continue with this crap for that long, why wouldn't they let others do it?  And anything depending on information from that lab is in doubt, at the least.

Now take this:
Westerman also highlighted an interview the IG withheld from its report.

Tell me what you want and I will get it for you. What we do is like magic,” a former USGS official told auditors a former employee linked to the manipulation would say, according to Westerman.

Westerman added that the IG’s interview notes make the context of those quotes unclear.
and add this
The research topics that faced data manipulation – including uranium in the environment, health effects of energy resources, and U.S. coal resources and reserves – was “disturbing,” Westerman said.
We're back to Sherlock.

Is there ANY agency in the .gov we can trust?  On anything?


  1. Were there EVER any .gov entities we could depend on? Maybe back in the '40's, but certainly not in my life time.

  2. Gee, what happened in 2008(and 2012) that might have a bearing on why the data falsification continued for that period of time? Everybody involved in this scam should be looking at fines and jail time.
