Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The New York Sli- Times, which is utterly dependent on the 1st Amendment,

thinks the others- especially the 2nd- are open to be trashed.

Short version: "We think this court is illegal, and it won't actually stop terrorists and bad guys, but we want this anyway."
The piece is written by Adam Winkler, a U.C.L.A. School of Law professor. Winkler argues the secret court is a good idea because the same kind of court is already used for government surveillance, and historically, the U.S. has committed worse rights violations such as Japanese internment camps.
From a freaking law professor...


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    We have done worse things is, in fact, the opposite of a defense.

  2. markm4:15 PM

    The Slime has also consistently called for restricting the 1st Amendment in their commentary on Citizens United. Either their writers are unaware that they work for a corporation, or they think that some agency should approve "news" corporations and allow them the rights that are denied to other corporations - without doing any thinking about who would decide which corporations were news agencies and which were propaganda machines.

  3. Marja4:46 PM

    Hey, did you notice this:

  4. I did. Erin, who's running the map, also got a call from the BBC wanting an interview. And Larry Correia pointed to it. Let's say the number of views has been a bit scary
