Wednesday, June 22, 2016

And let's not forget who's who at DHS

Now, one controversial former FBI agent -- and current consultant to the Obama administration on "countering violent extremism" (CVE) -- is suggesting a national gun registry be created. Such a registry would target millions of law-abiding American citizens.
So?  We're all just peasants in Flyover Country.

Just who is this clown?
In December 2002, ABC News reported accusations by two veteran FBI investigators that Abdel-Hafiz interfered in ongoing terror investigations:
Perhaps most astounding of the many mistakes, according to Flessner and an affidavit filed by Wright, is how an FBI agent named Gamal Abdel-Hafiz seriously damaged the investigation. Wright says Abdel-Hafiz, who is Muslim, refused to secretly record one of al-Kadi's suspected associates, who was also Muslim. Wright says Abdel-Hafiz told him, Vincent and other agents that "a Muslim doesn't record another Muslim.""He wouldn't have any problems interviewing or recording somebody who wasn't a Muslim, but he could never record another Muslim," said Vincent.
Far from being reprimanded, Abdel-Hafiz was promoted to one of the FBI's most important anti-terrorism posts, the American Embassy in Saudi Arabia, to handle investigations for the FBI in that Muslim country.
That enough?  No?
Abdel-Hafiz was ordered fired in May 2003 by the FBI's top disciplinary officer for a variety of personal and professional problems, including insurance fraud and mismanagement of important 9/11-related files at the bureau's office in Riyadh.

The ordering firing Abdel-Hafiz was later overruled in 2004 by a special three-man panel convened to hear the case. As Newsweek reported, his reinstatement coincided with efforts by the FBI to hire more Muslim and Arabic-speaking personnel.
And he's 'advising the administration'...


  1. This might have something to do with it:
    FLASHBACK via John Lott: Obama told me 'People shouldn't be able to own guns'

  2. The country is in the best of hands.
    The. Best. Hands.
