Tuesday, February 02, 2016

I know the socialists would love it, but for everyone else: (Updated)

Does this really seem like a fine European system to copy?
“We have the problem that – now I’m mainly talking about the public [state] media – we have a closeness to the government. Not only because commentary is mainly in line with the grand coalition (CSU, CDU, and SPD), with the spectrum of opinion, but also because we are completely taken in by the agenda laid down by the political class”.
Worse than the mainstream, government controlled and poll-tax funded media in Germany just agreeing with the ruling coalition, the stations actually took orders on what was and was not to be reported on. He said:
“…the topics about which are reported are laid down by the government.
“There are many topics that would be more important than what the government wants. But they, of course, want to deflect attention away from what doesn’t happen. Yet what doesn’t happen is often more important than what does happen – more important than gesture politics”.
Yeah, wouldn't you totally losing faith in the media. when the media is in the .gov pocket this way?

Same reason a lot of the journalists we've got wonder why people don't trust them?
I cannot remember who it was, female journalist telling how she told a bunch of people that 'telling the truth is my job, and they laughed at me!  It was very hurtful.'  She truly did not understand why they laughed.  Probably still doesn't.

Added: thanks to Arthur, it was Diane Sawyer

1 comment:

  1. "I cannot remember who it was, female journalist telling how she told a bunch of people that 'telling the truth is my job, and they laughed at me! It was very hurtful.' She truly did not understand why they laughed. Probably still doesn't. "

    Diane Sawyer


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