Saturday, January 30, 2016

Officer Robert Price, you're a shit

And you got off on the charge of animal cruelty(of course).  But at least you cost the city some money, and maybe that'll make the PD put a leash on shits like you.
A Colorado dog owner received $262,000 in a settlement over a police shooting of his dog, one of the largest-ever settlements in this type of case.

Officer Robert Price of Commerce City, Colo., shot and killed a dog in 2012 during response to a report of a “loose, vicious dog” while the owner, Gary Branson, was out of town, Allison Sylte reported for USA Today. The officer was found not guilty of animal cruelty, but a neighbor filmed the encounter, and the resulting video showed the dog, Chloe, cowering before three officers.
It's a start.  If departments start having to pay big settlements when one of their jerks hiding behind a badge kills a dog for no good reason, it'll maybe cause a change.  It'll take money, because most of them don't seem to give a damn about their officers killing a pet because they feel like it.

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