Friday, January 15, 2016

How bad are things in Sweden?

This bad.  This site has been monitoring the mess over there, and it's bad.  And with the .gov and media making such efforts to cover it up, and call names and threats at anyone who speaks of it, it's going to get worse. 

Here's a piece in a British news site saying basically the same thing.  Being the Spectator it covers all the 'People who have any problem with lots of migrants coming in are racist and xenophobes and all other bad things' talking points, but does note that covering the crimes up is not a good idea(which is a real leap for some of these people).

Mother Jones demonstrates its usual level of expertise on those evil firearms.  'High Caliber'...

Yeah, there was a stand-down order.  Yeah, people in Benghazi probably died because of it.  No, the Democrats still don't care.


  1. Raise your hand if you didn't see any of this coming. Anybody?

  2. Things are getting just as bad in Canada as in Sweden.

  3. That's... 'bad' is an understatement


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